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Proposal Guidelines

Your book proposal should include the following information:

  1. Proposed working title 
  2. A summary of the book (300-500 words). This should address the main subject and central argument of the book, outline the book’s objectives, and describe how these objectives are met. 
  3. If the book is an edited collection, information (200-300 words) about how all of the chapters will be linked so that the book forms a cohesive whole. 
  4. A table of contents and a brief synopsis for each of the book’s chapters. If this is an edited collection, please also provide details about each contributor.
  5. The intended audience(s) for your book, including information about possible course adoptions.
  6. A list of two or three titles and publication dates of other books dealing with a similar topic. Please briefly discuss how this book is distinctive.
  7. If available, a copy of the book’s introduction and one other chapter. 
  8. Approximate length of the proposed manuscript, including word count.
  9. A proposed date for the delivery of a full book manuscript.
  10. Any information you have about proposed funding sources to support publication.
  11. If the proposed book is based on a doctoral dissertation, outline (300-500 words) all of the changes that will be made to convert the thesis into a book. 
  12. Details about any illustrations, tables, or figures you intend to include.
  13. A copy of the authors(s) or editors(s) curriculum vitae.

Please be aware that we do not consider simultaneous submissions. If your book has been submitted to another publisher, wait until you have heard definitively from that press before contacting us.  

All book proposals are reviewed first by the Academic Editor, who consults with the Director of the Institute of Social and Economic Research. If your proposal is accepted, you will then be invited to submit a full manuscript.