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What to Expect (FAQs)

1. What is a scholarly book?

Scholarly books are written by experts. They are extensively researched, and all the claims they make and ideas they present are supported with evidence. As a result, scholarly books typically contain detailed citations, and/or footnotes, and comprehensive bibliographies. These works undergo comprehensive, anonymous review by the author’s academic peers before they are published.

2. What is a research-creation project?

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada helpfully defines research-creation as: “An approach to research that combines creative and academic research practices, and supports the development of knowledge and innovation through artistic expression, scholarly investigation, and experimentation.” (

3. Do you publish textbooks?

No, we don’t.

4. Do I have to have funding in place before Memorial University Press will publish my work?

While this is certainly ideal, we will work with you to locate funding if necessary.

5. Do you accept simultaneous submissions?

We do not consider simultaneous submissions. If your book has been submitted to another publisher, wait until you have heard definitively from that press before contacting us. 

6. How long does the peer review process take?

The review process can take several months. It often takes time to locate willing readers, who must then read the materials and prepare a report. 

7. What are the stages in the publication process?

If your book proposal is accepted, and you are asked to submit a complete manuscript, this manuscript will first be reviewed in-house. If deemed ready, it will then undergo a comprehensive external peer review process. If the reviewers' reports are broadly positive, you will then be asked to outline how you will respond to any alterations they recommend. The reviews, your response, and any other relevant material is subsequently presented to Memorial University Press's Editorial Advisory Board for its approval. After this approval is granted, and any final changes requested by reviewers have been satisfactorily completed, your manuscript moves into production.

8. How long does production take, and what’s involved?

Depending on the length and complexity of your manuscript, production can take 6–12 months. In this time, the manuscript will be professionally copyedited and prepared for layout. Pages will be designed and typeset, and will undergo several rounds of proofing until they are ready to be printed and bound. In consultation with you, a cover will be designed, and advanced marketing initiatives will be planned and implemented. While the book is being printed, an e-book edition will be prepared (in most cases), and plans will be made for the official release.

9. How widely distributed are MUPress's Publications?

Memorial University Press publications are distributed throughout Canada and the United States, and are available internationally. We handle some distribution in-house, with further distribution in Newfoundland & Labrador by Downhome Distribution, and in Canada and the United States by University of Toronto Press. Memorial University Press is represented in the academic marketplace by Seed Academic Sales.