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Families, Mobility, and Work

Employment-related geographical mobility is widespread and increasing within Canada and around the world. Prolonged daily commutes, working away for extended periods, and being employed in mobile workplaces ...

TautukKonik | Looking Back

TautukKonik / Looking Back shows the strength of our culture. It shows the strength of family and family connection. It was strong, the way that we lived. Our culture was strong, our language was ...

Makkovik: Eskimos and Settlers in a Labrador Community

This study was undertaken shortly after the resettlement of Inuit from northernmost Labrador to Makkovik in 1961. Prior to this, Makkovik had a primarily white settler population dating from the mid-nineteenth ...

Communities in Decline

From a sociological perspective, this report examines the effects of the resettlement programmes begun by the Government of Newfoundland in the 1950s.

Brothers and Rivals

This study centres upon the way the fishermen and their families in a village in the Strait of Belle Isle construct their social relations around egality and competition–two values so often mistakenly ...

Marginal Adaptations and Modernization in Newfoundland

Based on fieldwork in the late 1960s, this study examines the economic and social changes that came to rural Newfoundland since Confederation with Canada in 1949. What kinds of decisions were made by ...

Private Cultures and Public Imagery

This book focuses on the boundary between public and private behaviour in one village. To this end, different events are examined within the framework of family, between unrelated villagers, and between ...

Public Policy and Community Protest

A sociologist records how the community of Fogo Island debated the option of resettling in "mainland" Newfoundland. In the end, the community decided to stay and redevelop their local economy.

Viewpoints on Communities in Crisis

These essays are from a conference convened expressly to appraise the Iverson and Matthews study of the same year, and to consider resettlement strategies in general.

Shortlist announced for the NL Book Awards

By MUPress Staff September 21, 2023