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Meghan C. Forsyth

Meghan C. Forsyth is an ethnomusicologist specializing in instrumental music and dance traditions of the Acadian diaspora. She is project coordinator of the Research Centre for the Study of Music, Media ...

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Adrian Peace

Adrian Peace has a D.Phil. in Social Anthropology from the University of Sussex. His early research was conducted among migrant workers in southwestern Nigeria, and focused on questions of ethnicity and ...

Colin Samson

Colin Samson is Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Director of American Studies at the University of Essex. He has written and researched in the areas of Native American Studies, Medical Sociology, and ...

Adrian House

Adrian House has a B.A. in English from the University of Toronto. Apart from writing and editing, Adrian also plays guitar and signs in various genres, both solo and in his band The Connexions, teaches ...