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Advocacy and Anthropology

Will advocacy involve the anthropologist in a contradiction damaging to the academic canons of the discipline? Originating in an international workshop as part of the XIth Congress of Anthropological ...

Ancient People of Port au Choix

The excavation of this 3,000 to 4,000 year old burial complex in northwestern Newfoundland is an important addition to the known sites designated as the Maritime Archaic Tradition of the "Red Paint" peoples. ...


What is it like to belong to a small country community? How does it relate to national identity?

This book explores the cultures of rural Britain through the ways people manage their local social relationships. ...

Muskrat Falls

For more than a decade now, the $13 billion Muskrat Falls hydroelectric project has been generating a never-ending assemblage of crises in the public life of Newfoundland and Labrador. The dam’s promise ...

Bureaucracy and World View

Handelman studies several social workers' interpretation of the facts brought to their attention regarding a case of suspected child abuse, and the effects their perceptions had on their decision-making. ...

Blood and Nerves

What is universal and presumably physiological in women's experience of menopause? What is variable and cultural? Can status change vs. status continuity in middle age affect or mediate menopausal symptoms? ...

Cain's Land Revisited

An ethnohistory of white settlement in the Hamilton Inlet area of central Labrador whose non-technical language recommends it to the general reader as well as to scholars interested in life in the North. ...

Cat Harbour

Beyond ecologic, economic and kinship relationships, this is a study of symbolic behaviour–notably verbal communication, attitudes towards 'strangers' and witchcraft practices. This book demonstrates ...

The Compact

This is the first major attempt in modern anthropology at studying friendship on a cross-cultural basis. The collection brings together field studies from Ireland, Canada, Africa, and New Guinea (including ...

Fish Verses Oil

While contributors from Scotland and Norway address the question of "Oil – Threat or Salvation" from the standpoint of actual observation, other writers consider the prospects of fish and oil co-existence ...