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Showing 91-100 of 119 titles.
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Advocacy and Anthropology

Will advocacy involve the anthropologist in a contradiction damaging to the academic canons of the discipline? Originating in an international workshop as part of the XIth Congress of Anthropological ...

Minorities and Mother Country Imagery

Macedonians in Toronto, Norwegians in rural Wisconsin, Spanish immigrants in Mexico, Mexicans in California, the 'French' in Louisiana, the 'English' in Quebec and the Saami (Lapps) in Norway–these ...


What is it like to belong to a small country community? How does it relate to national identity?

This book explores the cultures of rural Britain through the ways people manage their local social relationships. ...

Blood and Nerves

What is universal and presumably physiological in women's experience of menopause? What is variable and cultural? Can status change vs. status continuity in middle age affect or mediate menopausal symptoms? ...

The Politics of Indianness

Most aboriginal groups find themselves marginalized by the political institutions of modern industrial states. With their claims to ancestral homelands and nationhood, they face a situation significantly ...

Politically Speaking

This volume focuses on the organization of meaning in the verbal culture of politics. Of ten chapters, six examine the rhetoric of a specific speech or event, and four are theoretical discussions of rhetoric ...


Based on his experience as a "cookee" on a Spanish trawler fishing the Grand Banks, Zulaika focuses on the superordinate place that luck has in ordering the fishermen's conceptual thinking about their ...

Power Begins at the Cod End

This book shows how a union leader, beginning with very few cards in his hands, managed to contrive a victory for the trawler fishermen of Newfoundland. The social and economic changes in Newfoundland ...

"Bloody decks and a Bumper Crop"

A folklorist looks at the responses of Newfoundlanders to the international seal hunt protest during the late sixties and seventies.

Bureaucracy and World View

Handelman studies several social workers' interpretation of the facts brought to their attention regarding a case of suspected child abuse, and the effects their perceptions had on their decision-making. ...