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Social and Economic Papers

Showing 21-30 of 33 titles.
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Pursuing Equality

Edited by Linda Kealey
Categories: Gender
Series: Social and Economic Papers

This collection of essays breaks the silence of the political and legal history of women in Newfoundland and Labrador during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Other books on Canadian women's history ...

Living in a Material World

This book offers scholarly state-of-the-art presentations concerning material culture research at this critical stage in its development. These essays describe the emerging field of Material Culture Studies ...

To Work and To Weep

Here is a cross-cultural collection of ethnographic essays (from Brazil, Newfoundland, Portugal, India, Scotland, Malaysia and Peru) that challenge popular images of women in fishing communities. Offering ...

Fish Verses Oil

While contributors from Scotland and Norway address the question of "Oil – Threat or Salvation" from the standpoint of actual observation, other writers consider the prospects of fish and oil co-existence ...

Advocacy and Anthropology

Will advocacy involve the anthropologist in a contradiction damaging to the academic canons of the discipline? Originating in an international workshop as part of the XIth Congress of Anthropological ...

Minorities and Mother Country Imagery

Macedonians in Toronto, Norwegians in rural Wisconsin, Spanish immigrants in Mexico, Mexicans in California, the 'French' in Louisiana, the 'English' in Quebec and the Saami (Lapps) in Norway–these ...


What is it like to belong to a small country community? How does it relate to national identity?

This book explores the cultures of rural Britain through the ways people manage their local social relationships. ...

The Politics of Indianness

Most aboriginal groups find themselves marginalized by the political institutions of modern industrial states. With their claims to ancestral homelands and nationhood, they face a situation significantly ...

Politically Speaking

This volume focuses on the organization of meaning in the verbal culture of politics. Of ten chapters, six examine the rhetoric of a specific speech or event, and four are theoretical discussions of rhetoric ...

Consequences of Offshore Oil and Gas

Edited by Maurice Scarlett
Categories: Economics
Series: Social and Economic Papers

An early examination of the potential impact of development of offshore oil and gas on Newfoundland. The focus is on experience elsewhere, particularly in Norway and the United Kingdom, with a global ...